Sunday, 7 June 2009

Character Page: Jack Maitland

Name: Jack Maitland

Played By: Robert Lowe

First Appearance: Episode 17

Last Appearance: Episode 21

Reason: He decided to move out of Abby's flat

Number of Episodes: 4 (did not appear in episode 18)

Spouse(s): Unknown

Job: Unknown

Talk: 'I don't want to hurt you Abby'


Connor Temple was surprised when he took a call for Abby, from a mysterious Jack. Connor thought that Abby had a boyfriend, however, when Connor returned to Abby's flat and found Jack in only a towel, Abby explained it was her baby brother and asked Connor to move out for a bit. Jack is the only family Abby has.

When Abby went out to work one day, Jack invited his friends round. Jack gambled away Rex in a game, but didn't tell Abby. Connor and Sarah Page saw Rex on ebay and Connor decided to help Jack get Rex back. Connor managed to get Rex back with help from Captain Becker. Jack was interested in what Abby did at work, she told him she was still working at the zoo. Jack stole her detector and went through an anomaly, where he fell down a hole and was attacked by Giant Maggots. Danny, Abby, Connor and Becker went through the anomaly to rescue Jack. Danny helped him up, but they found that Becker had distracted the Future Predators and they thoguth he had been killed. Jack did not care and said he was annoyed that they had not rescued him sooner.

After this Jack decided to move out of Abby's flat, he also told Abby that Connor had helped Jack get back Rex from his friends.

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