Tuesday 8 June 2010

Monster Page: Rex

Species: Coelurosauravus

Home Era: Permain Period

Appearances: Series 1 Episodes 1, 2, 4-6, Series 2 Episodes 2, 4, 5 and 7, Series 3 Episodes 1, 6, 8 and 9.

Kills: None

Fate: Unknown, with Abby and Connor trapped in the past, will someone know to feed Rex?


Rex is an intelligent and active Coelurosauravus from the Permain Era. Rex went through an anomaly into the present day, where a boy called Ben found him and kept him as a pet. When Ben decided to get rid of Rex, Abby Maitland arrived to take him to the zoo. When the Home Office got hold of him, Rex escaped, but Abby managed to lure him back. Nick Cutter tried to return him to the Permain, but Rex sneaked back and Abby decided to keep him, secretly.
Connor later found out about Rex, and accidentally brought him to an anomaly site, where a Pteranodon tried to eat Rex. After that the rest of the team knew that Abby had Rex.

In Series 2, Rex took a dislike to Connor's girlfriend, Caroline, who trapped him in a fridge, but pretended Rex had flew in there without her knowledge. Later, Connor dumped Caroline by text and Caroline stole him, and gave him to Leek, who kept Rex with the other creatures he and Helen had been taking from time periods. Rex, along with the other creatures escaped, and Rex was shot by a guard. Caroline, who felt guilty, returned Rex to Abby, who said he'd be fine.

In Series 3, Abby's brother Jack gambled Rex away in a card game, and Jack's friend Tony put him up for auction on the internet. Connor, however, managed to get him back with help from Captain Becker and some armed ARC soldiers. Rex made friends with Sid and Nancy, Connor and Abby's pet Diictodon.

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